love poetry in urdu text | romantic poetry in urdu | attitude poetry in urdu 2 lines text

If a person quickly settles down, then the heart does not accept anyone else, a place of meaning, but love someone. If there is such a thing as love, then he does not think of anyone else, nor does he want to tell her at the poultry bridal party. A great story has been written which means that what we can prove is that as long as we have true love, then his heart does not like it, why should we accept another human being, another human being. He does not love anyone else, nor does he look up to anyone else. He used to report to someone else. Besides, he doesn't like it, I just woke up, woke up, slept, I just have to sit next to him, because he doesn't like me so much because he loves me so much. I have been to many worlds before and I have a shaded conscience that we do not know the difference between love and love. What happens is love. There is only one man sitting down to go down. He has to look at someone else. He did not go to anyone else. He loves him. He accepts him. He does not want to accept anyone other than him. Beloved is killed, it is enough to look at his beloved with an evil eye, I love him, my friend, he has made it for me, for service, if death occurs in his love, then Allah also gives responsibility. There is no difference between what is actually done and what is done. In the same way, it is written in a duplicitous paper. It seems that after that some wives are considered to have left the other That is why it is said that when a person has true love for a person who is very difficult to get away from each other, it is difficult for someone to remember human beings. If they remain forever, it would be better for them to be left alone, to be with both of them who have lived with their wives all their lives, and they have not stopped anyone, no one will take them away from each other. The basic saying of K also happens in marriage, so it is a big story for us that the bride can understand by reading the keyboard, then who are the true lovers, this is the poetry of two lines, then their story is in Made for lovers who face each other as there are others who can be human and it is also said Lahore is also called New Recruitment and the word is also called Poetry.

جب دل کسی ایک شخص پہ ٹھہر جائے نا...!!

تو ذہن کسی اور کو قبول کرنے کے قابل نہیں رہتا

 -----Roman Language----

Jab Dil Kisi Ak Shakhas Pe  Thehar Jay Na 

To Zehan Kisi Or Ko Qubool Karne Ke  Qabil Nhi Rehta 

----English  Language----

When the heart stops at one person ... !!

So the mind is not able to accept anyone else

-----Turkish Language-----

کله چې زړه په یو چا ودریږي...!!

نو عقل د بل چا د منلو وړ نه دی

----- Marathi Language----

जेव्हा हृदय एका माणसावर थांबते...!!

त्यामुळे मन दुसऱ्या कुणालाही स्वीकारण्यास सक्षम नाही

-----Pashto Language----

کله چې زړه په یو چا ودریږي...!!

نو عقل د بل چا د منلو وړ نه دی

-----Arabic Language----

عندما يوقف القلب على شخص واحد .. !!

لذلك فإن العقل غير قادر على قبول أي شخص آخر

-----Sindhi Language-----

دل جڏهن هڪ شخص تي بيهي ٿي...!!

تنهن ڪري ذهن ڪنهن ٻئي کي قبول ڪرڻ جي قابل ناهي

----Hindi Language----

जब एक शख्स पर रूक जाता है दिल...!!

तो मन किसी और को स्वीकार नहीं कर पाता


 Your idea, your mood, your choice, what is perfection Dude, whatever you want to do, keep it up, it's amazing Hello friends, in this poultry city, it means that Mohsin Naqvi can make tea as he is in the mood as he is in it. Desires are mentioned, your family is also mentioned keeping such things in mind The thing about the clothes is that the person who is there loves someone else so much, then there was, then taking care of him can change everything, he keeps it only for that, he wants to tell her that my I don't think everything is what it is and it's for you Poultry proves that this man loves others very much, he goes to adopt them and he has adopted them too and they are expressing their love for him and their wishes that this is my prayer, this is my heart's desire. Love is for you it is found in nature and it is called love in which it is considered wrong to think wrong for others and sin to do wrong, so no one has thought wrong for man so that he may die. And by the way, there are very few people in the world like this. Fortress Fortress, every moment in the eleventh century, wants to say that I told the whole story of one or two lovers at the bridal party. I read this, I can know all behind it, what it means, then those who fall in love with each other, then they are for each other, they leave, they do not lie to others, it is never bad. In the same way you can think of the poultry that they are loving each other immensely and without which they can not live without these true heart relationship and both They have a relationship again and again And if something like this comes up, just like in today's world, a person is said to be in love with a dead friend. The people liked the people for their own sake These two lines are also for some human beings who love each other very much and the dust on top of each other makes them feel no better than each other and even they do nothing but each other. Stuck in a circle No blisters in the mouth and always with you Your daily life is better than deciding with love The voice of this nation Mirpur has said before that Dilbar is only for murder but it is made for those who love

خیال  اپنا ، مزاج  اپنا ، پسند  اپنی ، کمال کیا ہے

جو یار چاہے وہ حال اپنا, بنا کے رکھنا، کمال یہ ہے

 -----Roman Language----

Khyal Apna ' Mazaj Apna ' Passand Apni ;Kamal Apna He 

Jo Yar Chahye Wo Hal Apna ' Bna Ke Rakhna ' Kamal Apna Ye He  

----English  Language----

Your idea, your mood, your choice, what is perfection

Dude, whatever you want to do, keep it up, it's amazing

-----Turkish Language-----

Fikriniz, ruh haliniz, seçiminiz, mükemmellik nedir?

Dostum, ne yapmak istiyorsan devam et, bu harika

----- Marathi Language----

तुमची कल्पना, तुमचा मूड, तुमची निवड, परिपूर्णता म्हणजे काय

मित्रा, तुम्हाला जे काही करायचे आहे ते चालू ठेवा, हे आश्चर्यकारक आहे

-----Pashto Language----

ستاسو خیال، ستاسو مزاج، ستاسو انتخاب، کمال څه دی

یاره، هر څه چې غواړې هغه یې وساته، دا حیرانتیا ده

-----Arabic Language----

فكرتك ، مزاجك ، اختيارك ، ما هو الكمال

يا صاح ، كل ما تريد القيام به ، استمر في ذلك ، إنه لأمر مدهش

-----Sindhi Language-----

توهان جو خيال، توهان جي مزاج، توهان جي پسند، ڪمال ڇا آهي

دوست، جيڪو ڪجهه ڪرڻ چاهيو، اهو جاري رکو، اهو ڪمال آهي

----Hindi Language----

आपका विचार, आपका मूड, आपकी पसंद, पूर्णता क्या है

यार, तुम जो करना चाहते हो, लगे रहो, यह अद्भुत है


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